Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy

TypeScript Types Deep Dive

TypeScript is a modern and safer version of JavaScript that has taken the web development world by storm. It is a superset of JavaScript that adds in some additional features, syntactic sugar and static type analysis aimed at making you more productive and able to scale your JavaScript projects.

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Boost Your Coding Fu Podcast: Chapter 7 - Insert Mode a la Vim

Where you learn the many ways you can jump into Insert mode in Vim.

Boost Your Coding Fu Podcast: Chapter 6 - Vim's Secret Language

Where you learn about the secret language a the heart of Vim.

Boost Your Coding Fu with VSCode and Vim, The Auditory Experience: Chapter 5 - Editing Text Like Magic with Vim Operators

Where you learn how you edit text like magic using Vim operators in combination with counts and motions.

Boost Your Coding Fu with VSCode and Vim, The Auditory Experience: Chapter 4 - Moving Blazingly Fast with Vim Motions

Where you learn how you can move fast as a griffin by relying on the varied and powerful Vim motions.