Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy

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Barbaric Tip of the Week: Listen to JavaScript Jabber

Barbaric Tip of the Week is a weekly series whose main purpose is to share tiny bits of knowledge that I find specially useful and interesting.

Dozens of studies have demonstrated that multitasking is detrimental to your productivity, can be a source of stress and has adverse effects in your life expectancy [1][2]. I have found, however, with arduous experimentation that I can do multitasking with negligible effects in one of these two cases: I can juggle two oranges at the same time with two hands, and, less impressive yet worthy of notice, I can listen to podcasts or audio books while commuting to work, training at the gym or performing boring, repetitive tasks such as clothe laundering, dish washing and the like.

I tell you this because, just two week ago I started listening to an awesome podcast that I think you should start listening too, if you like JavaScript that is. This week’s Barbaric Tip is JavaScript Jabber a surprisingly awesome podcast about everything JavaScript, with great topics and greater guests.

JavaScript Jabber logo

Browsing a little bit over the episode list is enough to water your mouth. Don’t hesitate! Go and start multitasking! Add more value to your laundry! Yey!

Jaime González García

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.Jaime González García