Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy

The Many a One JavaScript Quirks

The Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScript-mancy series are my humble attempt at bringing my love for JavaScript to all other C# developers that haven’t yet discovered how awesome this language and its whole ecosystem are. These articles are excerpts of the super duper awesome JavaScript-Mancy book a compendium of all things JavaScript for C# developers.

For many years has JavaScript been frown upon and look down on by many developers due to its quirky nature, obscure behaviors and many a one WTFs that populate its hairy APIs and operations.

Frown upon no more! For with modern design patterns, libraries, tools and the long awaited JavaScript 6 Harmony (ES6, ES2015) writing JavaScript is now a pleasure.

Join me at the school of JavaScript-mancy as we travel along the modern landscape of writing JavaScript in 2015 and beyond, as we discover the organic evolution of this beautiful language and its thriving ecosystem, and delve in the latest features/spells/incantations of the JavaScript Arcana.

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A Brief Guide On How to Pass the 70-480 Certification Exam

A couple of weeks I did my first certification exam ever and I passed! Wihoo! I thought that you who are planning on taking this or any other certification exam could maybe find my experience of value and thus here we are. :)

I approached the whole exam thing mainly as an excuse to learn and refresh my knowledge in web development, starting from the very basics to the more advanced APIs that I hadn’t had the chance to look into, trying to fill in all the gaps that I felt I have had in my web dev knowledge in the past. So this is not going to be an article on how to pass the exam with the least amount of effort possible, no tricks or shortcuts, it is just going to be an article about how I went about preparing for the exam, just plain old studying, practicing, coding, learning and writing a freaking exam XD.

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Barbaric Basics: Building Flexible Layouts With Flexbox

With Barbaric Basics I brush up on basic techniques, practices and APIs. Come along and get them refreshed you too. Who knows? You may even learn something new!

Today we live in a world of many devices, many resolutions, many form factors and as such it is more challenging than ever to build websites that provide an awesome experience in all of these different and ever-changing conditions.

Fortunately, HTML5 brings with it a couple of new techniques that let us developers create flexible layouts with less hassle than ever before: flexbox and grid. I have created a tutorial/walkthrough that I hope will get help you start getting acquainted with Flexbox, the most mature of these two new layout systems. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

To Flexbox Tutorial

Flexbox is a stable standard and is supported by all modern browsers (>IE10), so there’s no reason not to start using it today.

And here are some additional references if you want to learn some more!


Barbaric Basics: Web Workers

With Barbaric Basics I brush up on basic techniques, practices and APIs. Come along and get them refreshed you too. Who knows? You may even learn something new!

So in something like a couple of weeks I am going to be taking my first ever Microsoft certification exam! I am going to start with the 70-480: Programming HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 and get my way through all the web development stack. A certification? - you may ask yourself - Do you even need that? Is it worth anything?

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And This Was Swetugg on Day 2

Did you miss day 1? Then take a look at this article

And it was a wrap-up for Swetugg the Swedish conference for .NET developers by .NET developers.


tl;dr; Great second and last day at the conference with more interesting talks on BDD, specification by examples, Conway’s Law, Polyglot programming and persistence, event sourcing, graph databases, document databases, Entrepreneurship, Lambdas, UX magic, EPiServer and Game Development backed on Azure.

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